Highlights from June
- The Prime Minister’s Energy Advisor asked the Japanese firm to drop the net-zero concept in IEPMP, stating that it is not applicable to Bangladesh.
- Economists and power experts showing concern as most of the electricity remains unused due to the lack of transmission and distribution networks.
- বাড়তি ব্যয় সামাল দিতে বিদ্যুৎ ও জ্বালানি খাতে আগামী ২০২২-২৩ অর্থবছরের জন্য ৬৫ হাজার কোটি টাকার বেশি ভর্তুকির প্রয়োজন হবে।
- The proportion of grid-connected renewable energy to the nation’s overall power generation remains below one percent.
- Due to rising LNG prices, Petrobangla’s condition is dire. In FY 2021-22, the government gave Petrobangla Tk 4,000 crore for LNG imports.
- CPD predicted that the subsidy for the power industry would be Tk 17,000 billion, an increase of Tk 5,000 billion over the current fiscal year.
Japanese firm urged to drop net-zero concept in preparing integrated energy master plan
During the second stakeholder meeting on the integrated energy and power master plan (IEPMP), the Prime Minister’s Energy Advisor asked the Japanese firm to drop the net-zero concept, stating that it is not applicable to Bangladesh, as this country is one of the least emitting nations. Read More
Bangladesh’s overcapacity in power to hit 70pc soon
Some of Bangladesh’s greatest power facilities are scheduled to begin operation by 2024, increasing the country’s installed capacity by roughly a third or over 7,300 MW. But regarding the new addition of electricity, economists and power experts showing concern as most of the electricity remains unused. Read More
The Russia-Ukraine war, high energy price threatens Bangladesh’s food security
Bangladesh’s import expenses for energy, food, and agricultural inputs have increased in late 2020, which further worsened due to the war. Although the country continues to pursue a strong GDP growth, rising power sector costs weigh down the economy and can lead to public unrest and political instability. Read More
Bangladesh yet to tap the full potential of green energy, documents show
In spite of the fact that the cost of producing renewable energy, has decreased significantly in recent years, its proportion to the nation’s power output has not increased. The proportion of grid-connected renewable energy to the nation’s overall power generation remains below one percent. Read More
Petrobangla is buying LNG at four times the price
Petrobangla imports LNG at four times the price from the spot market. In July 2021, the spot market price per MMBTU was $10.99. The price rose to 36.93 USD per unit in April 2022. Gas and power rates have risen due to increasing LNG prices. Read More
Clean energy option fighting a losing battle
The conflict in Ukraine has made energy security a global priority. Long-term measures should include increased usage of renewable energy and more efficient energy usage. To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, countries agreed at COP26 to halve global carbon emissions by 2030. Read More
Govt must revise power generation policy early
Bangladesh has more than 25,000MW of installed electricity capacity, with the supply being close to 15,000MW in the summer and 8,000MW in the winter. In 2020–2021, about 60 per cent of the installed generation capacity remains unused. The government will require to pay Tk 260 billion capacity payments in 2022 to the quick rentals. Read More
গ্যাস ও বিদ্যুতে ভর্তুকি থাকছে ৩৪ হাজার কোটি টাকা
বৈশ্বিকভাবে জ্বালানির দাম বাড়ায় আমদানি করা তরলীকৃত প্রাকৃতিক গ্যাসে (এলএনজি) খরচ বেড়েছে কয়েক গুণ। অন্যদিকে জ্বালানি তেলের দাম বাড়ায় বিদ্যুতের উৎপাদন পর্যায়েও বেড়েছে। এ ব্যয় সামাল দিতে বিদ্যুৎ ও জ্বালানি খাতে আগামী ২০২২-২৩ অর্থবছরের জন্য ৬৫ হাজার কোটি টাকার বেশি ভর্তুকির প্রয়োজন হবে। বিস্তারিত পড়ুন এখানে