বিদ্যুৎ-জ্বালানির প্রকল্প বাতিলে সংকট মিটবে?
সরকারের পটপরিবর্তনের পর বাতিল হয়েছে বিদ্যুৎ ও জ্বালানির দ্রুত সরবরাহ বৃদ্ধি (বিশেষ বিধান) আইন-২০১০-এর কার্যক্রম। এর ফলে কাজ শুরু না হওয়া মেগা প্রকল্পের সঙ্গে বাতিল হচ্ছে অনেক ছোট প্রকল্পও। দেশ এরই মধ্যে জ্বালানি নিয়ে সংকটের ভেতর দিয়ে যাচ্ছে। ফলে এই আইনের আওতার সব প্রকল্প বাতিল করা উচিত হবে কিনা, পরিস্থিতি বিবেচনায় কোনোটা রাখা সম্ভব কিনা–এ বিষয়ে দ্রুত সিদ্ধান্ত না নিলে সামনের দিনগুলোতে জ্বালানি সংকট বাড়তে পারে বলে শঙ্কা প্রকাশ করছেন বিশেষজ্ঞরা।
The roadmap for energy sector must be changed
The problems in the energy and power sector have not accumulated over just 15 years. It began in the early 1980s. At the root of the problem lies the neo-liberal ideological approach that since then turned the power sector into a profit-making enterprise for a handful of local and foreign businesses. The alternative approach is fundamentally different—where access to energy and power should be a public right, and resources kept in public ownership and not privatised or turned into private businesses.
Reforms, policies that can mend the power and energy sectors
In the 15-plus years of the last government, the energy and power sectors of Bangladesh have been all but destroyed. It would not only require a long time to recover, but also many unpleasant and difficult decisions. The country has been made heavily dependent on imported fuels as well as power. Capacity charges for private power plants and payment to international oil companies (IOCs) for gas production have to be paid in hard currency. There are numerous other hard currency requirements, such as building transmission and distribution infrastructure,
The roadmap for energy sector must be changed
At the root of the problem lies the neo-liberal ideological approach that since then turned the power sector into a profit-making enterprise for a handful of local and foreign businesses.
Reforms, policies that can mend the power and energy sectors
In the 15-plus years of the last government, the energy and power sectors of Bangladesh have been all but destroyed.
Solar Energy In Bangladesh: Current Status and Future
Bangladesh generates 99% of its energy from fossil fuels. However, it has several renewable energy targets for 2030 and 2040 that require significant financial and time investments. Solar power will play an essential role in reaching these targets, and Bangladesh can’t afford to postpone the transition in favour of LNG.